The registration costs for the 4th ISMIS/MISS Endoscopic Forum are 500€ (excluding tax) per participant.
This price includes:
Full access to the auditorium and all lectures on March 27th.
Full access to the industry exhibition area
Catering / lunch and coffee service during the Forum
official course dinner on March 27th
Bus round-trip from Teknon medical center to the restaurant for the official course dinner.
The capacity of the auditory is limited to 100 particpants on a first-come first-serve basis.
Secure your spot now by registering below!
A separate, industry-sponsored Cadaver Workshop on endoscopic spine surgery will be held on March 28th 2025 in a modern cadaver lab outside of Barcelona.
If you are interested in participating in the hands-on cadaver workshop, please fill-out the registration form by clicking on the button below.
Spots for the cadaver workshop are very limited and a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the applicants in due time.
It is mandatory to register for the ISMISS/MISS Forum on March 27th to participate at the Hands-on cadaver workshop on March 28th. However, registation for the Forum on March 27th does NOT guarantee participation in the cadaver workshop.